Wedding Photographer in San Diego

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The Photographer

Hi, I'm Kelsie Hancock, a San Diego, CA and Princeton, NJ-based photographer. Ever since I was a kid, I had a knack for creating through music and photography. I asked my parents for a DSLR camera, and they got me one for Christmas in college. Since then, I've been adventuring, taking photos of my travels until my late fiance ecouraged me to start my own business doing portraits. I started this business in the wake of his passing mostly because the idea of a corporate desk job smack dab in the middle of a grief storm did not sound appealing to me at all. Photography helped me put the broken pieces back together. Between my full time job, the Marine Corps reserves, and my non-profit, I have made photography a key pillar in my life which has led me to meeting so many incredible individuals and has perpetuated my love for travel and creativity. 

San Diego Wedding and Portrait Photographer serving southern California and more

Kelsie Marie

San Diego Photographer
Specializing in Weddings, elopements, Portaits, Equine heirlooms, and Military Commemorations